What do grilled cheese, Acadia Day, and Smile Train have in common?
Rotaract!  Our Rotaract Club here at UMaine has been very active as usual.  You may recall some of them were at the Hunters Breakfast helping out too.  Some of us call it "our" Rotaract Club but only because we are the sponsoring Rotary Club.  Every Rotaract Club has to have continuing sponsorship from a Rotary Club but make no mistake....while Rotary clubs serve as sponsors, Rotaract clubs decide how to organize and run their club and what projects and activities to carry out.  These wonderful young men and women have made UMaine Rotaract the club that it is......and it is their club.      
Thanks to Rotaractors Libby, Kim, and Matt for joining us at the meeting this past week.  We always love to have them attend.  There is a link on the club website and also on the newsletter (near the bottom of the left column) that will take you to their Facebook page so you can see all the cool stuff they are up to.  And don't forget you can visit at their meeting sometime also.  If you want to see what the future holds for Rotary - that's the place to go!