Happy Birthday Rotaractors!
Rotary's club for young adults...
going and growing strong
Friday March 13th marked a special day for Rotaractors around the world. It was the 47th anniversary of the very first Rotaract club charter!!
Today Rotaract continues to experience phenomenal growth. There are currently more than 8,000 Rotaract clubs in 155 countries and geographic areas, with an estimated membership of more than 186,000 Rotaractors.
Our own UMaine Rotaractors have been at it since 2005 and we are proud to be their sponsoring club. Over the years they have been active volunteering for the Bodwell Center, the Ronald McDonald House, Manna, Habitat for Humanity, and the Bangor Humane Society, as well as engaging in community service projects and fundraisers such as helping out the Merrill Hall playground, volunteering at blood drives, and traveling bake sales! And of course they have often been seen helping us out too at our own Hunter's Breakfast.....well before dawn....now that really is Service Above Self for college students!!
They are a remarkable group of young men and women who embody the Rotary spirit as they share "Fellowship Through Service." Visit one of their meetings and see what they are up to.