Santa and Mrs. Claus visited the Elks Lodge in Old Town on December 7 to help Rotarians, children, and grandchildren get into the holiday spirit.
The evening started off with a Gingerbread House decorating contest. Six teams of children and grandchildren, assisted by parents and grandparents, applied copius amounts of frosting to gingerbread houses that had been constructed by President Doug and his grandson, an engineering major at UMaine. The frosting served a dual purpose--as a decorating material in and of itself, and as something that other, more colorful confections--jelly beans, gum drops, sparkles, sprinkles, etc.--would attach to.
While the decorating teams did their thing, the rest of the club enjoyed an extended happy hour and time for fellowship until the dinner bell sounded. After dinner, Santa and Mrs. Claus came through the door and gave presents to all the children and grandchildren present.
Rotarians also brought several dozen extra presents which are being donated to the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots campaign.
Click more to see photos of the gingerbread house decorating contest!
Gingerbread House decorating contest
Colin and Connor Wilcox, sons of Scott and Jill Wilcox, were the winners of the Gingerbread House Decorating Contest. Scott is the Public Safety Director for the City of Old Town.
Santa and Mrs. Claus give Christmas presents